About Children's Ministry
“I am the way the truth and the life...” - John 14:6.
At Calvary, we love children and strive to support families, as they train their children to know and love God. Not only do we desire for our children to have a relationship with God, but we also seek to encourage them to use their gifts for the glory of God. On Sunday mornings, we teach God’s Word to our children, from Genesis to Revelation, equipping them to answer tough questions regarding their faith. We would love for your children to join us for an upcoming activity:
Fall and Spring Bible Studies
Summer Fun Days
Harvest Festival
Vacation Bible School
Operation Christmas Child
For more details: email calvarywaykids@calvarysj.org
Fall and Spring Bible Studies
Summer Fun Days
Harvest Festival
Vacation Bible School
Operation Christmas Child
For more details: email calvarywaykids@calvarysj.org

Exploring promises and practical wisdom from God's Word as we seek to raise our children for His glory
- God's Promise
- Disciple Your Children
- Remember Your Vision
- Technology & Our Home